如何选择国际货运代理公司?看货运代理公司的报关、拖车、仓储实力,在选择国际货运代理公司时,还应该该公司是不是可以提供有关代理报关,运输货物、和供应仓储存货方面的人员,这里需指出的是,货运代理公司可以拥有自己的报关部门和拖车部门,从而使整个运输过程更加安全、保障的衔接,就算中间发生了什么意外或者特殊情况,也能及时作出反应。在进出口贸易运输中,国际货运代理公司是不可或缺的中心环节,随着国际贸易的快速、稳定发展,货运代理的业务和功能也在不断开拓和完善。北京国际航空货运代理运费国际货运代理接受客户的委托时,应与其签订国际货运代理委托协议。How Long Does It Take to Ship Cargo by Sea From India to the USA?Ocean shipping from India to the USA is more of a marathon than a sprint. There are vast swathes of ocean to cover on the journey. The list below comprises port-to-port transit times for routes from selected Indian shipping gateways to their counterparts in the United States. Any door-to-door shipments will take longer when you add-on the overland journey times.Kolkata to Long Beach – 67 days FCLKolkata to Los Angeles – 53 days FCLKolkata to Miami – 49 days FCLKolkata to Seattle – 57 days LCLCochin to Charleston – 29 days FCL, 29 days LCLCochin to Chicago – 38 days FCLCochin to Long Beach – 66 days FCLCochin to Miami – 42 days LCLKattupalli to Long Beach – 46 days FCL